How to Clean Exposed Wooden Beams

Beams in your home not only give the room a spacious airy feel but lend architectural flair to your living space. However due to their location, high above, it is often a challenge to tackle the spider webs to keep them dust free and clean.

How to dust beams –

Your best tool for this job is either a vacuum with an extendable reach brush attachment of a long handled feather duster. Failing this you could improvise by attaching a lint roller head to the end of a paint roller. If these tools still fall short of the required length to reach the beams you will have to get a sturdy step ladder.

Now run your tool of choice back and forth over the exposed surface to get rid of the dust.

How to deep-clean dirty beams which are clogged with dust –

It’s best to wash the beams with a damp-dusting method.

For beams covered with a polyurethane coating –

You will need:

  • A sturdy extension ladder

  • A solution of – water and mild detergent

  • A sponge mop or face cloths

Damped the cloth in the soapy water and wring it out before wiping a small area.

For unfinished beams follow the same instructions only use clean water instead of soapy water.

Please note – take as many breaks as you need so as not to put undue strain on your neck from all the craning you will no doubt have to do during this task.

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