Whose Wisdom Should We Buy Into?

A Course in Miracles

Today I was browsing Yoga Journal's website and I came across an interesting category heading - Wisdom.

Was this... a bit forward of them to be pronouncing? Or what precisely was going on here? So I curiosity got the better of me and I clicked. They have this hefty topic broken down into four neat parcels - Yoga Luminaries, Philosophy, Tradition and History and Meditation Downloads.

To tell the truth I didn't get much farther since they were charging for their meditation downloads. I get rather nice meditations off YouTube - Kelly Howell and the like for free. I'm a cheap seeker of enlightenment. Please don't frown at me here. I like the section very much.

Moving onto Wisdom in general. Where can we find it?

Here's something I firmly believe - Wisdom will find you at exactly the right time, right place, right you.

Right time?

Autobiography of a Yogi had been lying in my parents bathroom for a number of years before I picked it up and read. I had read everything else at least twice before settling on it. Then too I picked it up read, discounted, put it down. A year later, I voraciously dug in and didn't surface for a week. Here was the text I had been searching for what seemed all my life.

Right place?

Miami - there's something about Miami that I gravitate towards. I don't know why but when I am in that city I feel alive. I want to seek adventure. I don't care who I'm with or what's going on - I will begin all by myself fearlessly.

Right you?

David R. Hawkins - Where was this man when I needed him? I had just finished a rather silly book about conducting confident conversation (I'm rather shy) when this book jumped out at me at the bookstore. Power vs Force. If you are any good at the google you will find a free version to download. I bought the book and the audio version. I love the audio book. It walked me through some important realizations about other humans. Let me tell you something - that silly book I had just finished about how to converse confidently - shared many of the same principles with this text. And had I not read the first when I did - the second would not have made such an amazing impact. Many of the principles I had accepted from the first grudgingly since it had many exercises that I had to practice for nearly a week. Let me tell you that those simple connection exercises work. I don't have a problem introducing myself to a stranger anymore.

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