
It's late, you're tired. I know. There's a heady breathlessness about you tonight, you are about to start something new. Be someone new. Uncover something special. Life has rushed all over you and you wonder where the years went?

I can't predict how your mornings begin - Perhaps you stretch your arm out and switch off your alarm (or hit the snooze button). I, myself scramble out of bed and search for my alarm clock in the dark. I kill the beast and then I tumble backwards into bed. But some mornings... I pause. I listen to the silence that rings just as loud when juxtaposed to the cacophony that preceded it.

Today your mission is to pause. Feel the coolness of the ground beneath your feet. The texture. The pleasant sensations of your body reanimating. How many breaths before you started making lists, adding costs and feeling claustrophobic. OK maybe not claustrophobic, but before long the silence is gone. It's taken by nothing more than our invasive thoughts. How long did you manage to pause today before getting itchy to start thinking? 10 seconds? If you managed that -then you did one better than me. Good job. As for the rest of you, I hear there's gonna be another sunrise tomorrow.

OOOOOOOOh play this song Warm Whispers by The Wailin' Jennys

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